Hi Lutz
Hope you had a successful
time in Africa 2008.
I mailed your firearms
paperwork today. Bring all of it with you. We will go to customs in Darwin when
you arrive and get your export permit.
We just returned from 6
weeks in camp and will be home until June 10th and I need the loading data for a
9,3x62 with your
9,3 mm KJG bullets before then I have comparative burning rates
for Hodgdon (preferred as most of their powders are acutally made in Australia)
Vectan, Norma, Accurate Arms, Alliant, Dupont and Winchester powders so you will
need to give me data for at least one of these.
Cheers, Barry, Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008 10:58
Greetings South Africa
Hallo Lutz
I see at "Neuigkeiten", you are already
working again.
Lutz on behalf of me and Leana we want to thank you for the time you spend with
us in Africa 2008. Like always it
is nice to have some-one as prepared and equipped as you.
We are very happy for the successful Buffalo hunt which we had with you. Your
9,3 mm KJG bullets for the
9.3 x 64 performed tremendously on all the
African animals. The bullets performed faultlessly hunt after hunt. For the
buffalo with a short escape distant up to all the other animals which you hunted
I wish you the best and also looking forward on
seeing you and friends in November 2008 in Finland.
I am already starting with some preparation for the Elefant hunt which we will
conduct in the near future.
Best Regards, Cornel, Leana and Lushan�, Montag, 2. Juni 2008 13:44
Hallo Barry,
Africa 2008
went well. I shall publish the Pictures and Stories shortly.
I added some of the available Powders to 9,3x62. I would prefer
to load the 9,3x62 Backup rifle with the 9,3 mm
KJG at 83,5 mm overall
Length including the Tip ). The Tip is 9 mm long.

The loaded 9,3x62 Cartridge should
look like this, or the second Drive band from the Front at the Case mouth
4 g Alliant Reloder-10x , or as much as You can
stuff ina and the Bullet will still hold, is a good Load. Hogdon would need
3,82 g H4198 or as much as You can stuff in and the Bullet still holds.
Compressed loads are wellvcome. You cannot overload these Powders with the 9,3
mm KJG in the 9,3x62. Other Data re available her on
Today I was offered to shoot two Wild Cows for
free. Ten escaped. Eight caught the Veterinary with a Injection dart. But these
two ones are two wild. The Owners has given up on them. Hunters in the Area
hesitate to shoot Cows, as they find that not so appealing. I love it for Bullet
testing. The 9,3x64 is ready and I wait
for a Call.
At which Time (Your Time) is it best to call You?
Regards Lutz
I am sorry, not right now. I am about to leave to
Australia tonight for Buffalo
hunt and would answer after 6th August
Lutz, 24 July 2008 05:37 PM
Have a good hunt and return safley.Those
Australian water Buffalo are BIG and mean ! Regards Walter.
Walther, Freitag, 25. Juli 2008 09:35
Vorwort |
Anreise |
Wasserbüffel auf den
Stich | Nils'
Stier | Hunting makes You fat! |
Langohrblutbad |
Quelle |
Postflieger |
| Tod am Sumpf
| Lutz' Stier |
Drei Seen |
Angriff im
Busch |
Büffel-breit-Versuche |
Eselpirsch |
| Esel
am Buschfluß | Esel
an der Kiesgrube |
Büffel + Raabe
Tropenparadies | Gewaltig!
Frachtfliegerbüffel! |
Pestkampf |
| Abflug |
Büffeljagdreisen nach Australien | Bogenjagd |
Versuche 2008
Lies auch Afrika