Alvaro Mazon in Afrika 2008

Alvaro Mazón in Africa 2008

Field testing the new KJG with the plastic tip-I

Dear Lutz,

I hope this email finds you well.

I have just returned from a trip in South Africa and Namibia where I have been shooting, among others, your new plastic tipped 7,6 mm KJG in my .300 Wby. Mag. loaded in front of Norma 204 at 1.115m/s muzzle velocity.

First part of the test consisted of confirming that they would work well and efficiently kill small bodied animals at long distances, when velocity would have already dropped down considerably.

We shot these five outstanding springbuck trophies in the Karoo. Closest shot was at the Black Springbuck at 125 m when, unable to stalk them within shooting distance, we had them driven by two men on horseback.

Longest shot was taken by my son Alvaro Jr. at one of the Common Springbucks at 330 m which I lasered with our Leica rangefinder. All shots were taken either broadside or almost broadside, all bullets passed through, and all five springbucks fell right were they were standing. None of them were hit in the spine.

(part II will follow in another email)

AM, Samstag, 30. August 2008 13:01

Field testing the new KJG with the plastic tip-II

The second part of the test consisted in confirming if they would also work well in big bodied animals with shots taken at shorter distances, when impact velocity would still be very high.

.300" Wby KJG load bagged six lue Wildebeest

I shot six Blue Wildebeest cows with them. The closest shot was 30m and the longest was 210m.

Except for one, that was spined and fell where it was standing, and another one that was quartering on and received the bullet at the point of the shoulder (bullet recovered under the skin of the opposite side in the rib area) the other four died very quickly running from 10 m to 50 m only.

There was a second bullet recovered form a shot that hit the ribs on a quartering away shot and lodged under the opposite skin after breaking two ribs and the shoulder on its way out.

7,6 mm KJG, shot from .300" Wby with 1.114 m/s Muzzle velocity recovered from Gnu

7,6 mm KJG, shot from .300" Wby with 1.114 m/s Muzzle velocity recovered from Gnu

The people with me, some of them with an enormous experience, people that see thousands of animals shot every season both from sport and cull hunts, were very impressed with their performance. And me too, I must say!

Thank you, and I hope that you enjoy my pictures,

Alvaro Mazón, Spain, Samstag, 30. August 2008 13:25

Dear Alvaro,

I like to see You and Your Son enjoying a successful Hunt in South africa and Namibia. When I see regular, white and black Springbuck, I wonder, whether You bagged those in Ratelfontein, where I hunted in 2003 and they have those three Springbuck colors there.

My Daugther and Friend just passed their Hunt examination. So I see we Fathers do our Job to keep the Hunt alive.

I am quite well, coming back from ♣ Büffel Afrika 2008Büffel Australien 2008 ♣ where 8,5 mm KJG and 9,3 mm KJG did the Trick as well between 25 and ~ 400 m on a Variety of Animals.

Best Regards to Spain, Yours, Lutz