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Lies Feldschießen alt | Feldschießen 2016 Vorbereitungen | Tikka T3-Namibia-2016 | Feldschießen | Feldschießen 2018 | Feldschießen in der Tschechei | Long Range
Moin meine Herren,auf der Seite hat sich was bewegt. Bitte dort herunter zu rollen. Die Regeln sind da. Achtung! Es hat sich Einiges geändert und Ihr soll ausnahmsweise mal einen Blick auf die Scheiben werfen...;o) Ob Ihr jetzt die sehr miserable, deutsche Version lesen wollt, oder doch besser das polnische Original... ehm, ich meinte die englische Version, überlasse ich Ihnen.:o)Wie auch immer, lesen solltet Ihr es schon deswegen, damit Ihr wißt, worauf Ihr Euch da einlaßt. Der Mail lege ich die Rules des LongRange Shooting Festival 2018 bei. Es ist wohl noch nicht die endgültige Version, aber zumindest nah ran... Fragt nicht, woher ich es habe. Ihr bekommt eh keine Antwort auf die Frage. ;o)Schöne Grüße, Andreas, Freitag, der 16. Februar 2018
Dear Friends,For this year, we have prepared four competitions in our favorite rifle discipline in the middle of Europe. The first competition will be in Pilsen (Plzen) at a large shooting range with international parameters and varied shooting stations, and the last competition will be at a military shooting range in Bzenec. Both these dates are appropriate for general participation, nearly without limits on the number of shooters. Come and support us with your participation. In doing so, you will also support the possible organization of a world championship in 2020 in Europe. You will find the programs attached. If you decide to participate in any date, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will be glad to help you with anything.If you organize competitions where you are, at which international participation will be appropriate, please send me the programs - we will be glad to visit your country, or we will at least distribute a presentation of your competition in the Czech Republic. Let's help advance our rifle discipline and let's make our activities better known. | facebook: Ceská asociace lovecké kulové strelby | youtube: cz hrsaSincerely, Martin Šlechta Czech Republic
Hello,Several months ago, I invited you to a series of rifle shooting competitions, with the largest of the competitions being the finale at the military shooting range in Bzenec. However, the operation of the shooting range in Bzenec has been closed to the public for the long-term. After a good experience organizing the first competition in Plzen (Pilsen), we have decided to move the finale to Plzen (Pilsen). That also brings about a necessary change in the date of the competition.Thus, the S&B Match finale and Czech Open Championship will be taking place on 14-15 September 2019 at the Lobzy shooting range in Plzen (Pilsen). We will prepare 5 or 6 shooting stations. The only difference as compared to the competitions that we have taken part in in South Africa and Namibia is in the fact that the distances are known. This has allowed us to avoid speculation as to who knows the distances, who has told them to whom after finishing, who had an advantage, or even who secretly measured them with a rangefinder or mobile phone. This has proven itself to work well and the conditions are the same for everyone.If you are considering coming to participate in a rifle shooting competition in the Czech Republic, you are welcome and I will be glad to help you with anything.Regards, Martin Šlechta, Czech Republic
Hallo Lutz!Hast Du schon mal Verbindung zu nachfolgendem Mitstreiter gehabt? In Polen bei der Long Shot scheint er auch schon gewesen zu sein.
LM: Könnte sien aber ich erinner mich nicht so genau
Hört sich an, als ob der mit anderen Anhängern des gepflegten Schießsports auf einer Wellenlänge funkt.Weiterhin eine coronafreie Zeit. Servus Uwe, Freitag, 24. April 2020 12:23
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